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Multimedia Production
Class 01: Introduction to Multimedia


    • Class Introduction
    • Multimedia
    • Introduction to Adobe Animate
    • Frame by Frame Animation
    • Magic Dot Assignment

Class Introduction

Hi There!

I'm Jon Cone

I am one of the full-time faculty in Cecil’s Visual Communication Program. I am mostly responsible for the game design and web design programs. I am also a freelance animator typically working on visualizations.

Office Hours
Tues 10:00am - 1:50pm
Wed 1:00pm - 6:20pm
Honestly just e-mail me. I will make time when it works for you.
Contact Information: (prefered)
(240) 466-1996 (personal)
410-287-6060 X 1470

This is an actual picture of me.


Assistant Professor, Cecil College

Demo Reel (a short collection of work)

What’s your name? What do you go by?
Why you are here:
Is this required for your major? Are you taking this course as an elective? Personal Enrichment?
Do you have any history with graphic arts or arts in general? Any experience with Adobe or other graphics software?

Think about your response to these questions and post the answers to the Introduction Discusson Board.

Alright here is an actual picture of me.


Assistant Professor, Cecil College

Course Description:

Multimedia production I – Introduces students to the development of interactive and new media design. Utilizing industry-standard software students learn how to produce responsive designs that interact with the viewer. The principles of object oriented programming are taught using ActionScript 3 and JavaScript in the Adobe Flash and Edge Animate environments. Usability, typography, composition, user interface design, color, and overall visual communication and aesthetics are emphasized. Students will produce a final interactive portfolio that demonstrates their understanding of usability design. 4 credits Pre-requisite: VCP117


Each week a new lab assignment will be given. The labs build on each other until a larger project is completed. If we remain face to face you will simply turn in what you created during class. If we end up online These will be completed virtually submitted each week.


Three long form projects will be due by the end of the course. These are similar to completing many labs at once but with your own designs and without limitation.

Labs 11 50%
Projects 3 50%



Multimedia is the combination of multiple forms of content; multi (multiple), media (content). Multimedia is inherently digital by nature, usually including elements of text, audio, imagery, motion, video, and interactivity. For this reason it is also sometimes referred to as New Media. Multimedia is somewhat vague, it really can mean many things. For the purposes of this course we will be more concentrated on creating animated and interactive content since you already have a decent amount of experience producing visual media.

Multimedia is utilized in a variety of industries:
  • Education/Training/Information
  • Entertainment/Gaming

Introduction to Adobe Animate

In this course we will primarily be using…

Adobe Animate:

Adobe Animate is an animation and web publishing software that is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud. Animate was previously called Flash. It has been redesigned and is now capable at exporting HTML 5 standards and not just flash materials. Animate is meant to be a designer friendly way of publishing interactive and animated content using HTML, CSS, & JavaScript without a deep knowledge of programming.

Animate is capable of creating website, web content, graphics, animated video, interactive content, video games, mobile apps, and much more.

You may purchase an educational subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud and download Animate here.

Maya Logo

The Interface

click on accordion below to learn about the different areas in Adobe Animate.

1: Menu

Basic file management such as open, close, save,etc. Change preferences, settings, display etc. Insert, Modify, and Text are used for importing assets, applying properties, and asset creation. Control

2: Tools

These tools allow you to adjust and create elements on the stage such as moving, scaling, drawing lines, and filling in areas.

3: Stage

This is the actual visible canvas that eventually the audience will see.

3: Timeline

Used to scrub through and play the animations. You can also create layers and keyframes here.

5: Properties/Library

The Properties panel contains either the current tool’s settings or the selected object’s information. The Library holds all imported and created assets.

Introduction to Adobe Animate Video

Frame by Frame Animation


Animation means “to give life to.” In essence you are taking inanimate objects and giving them the appearance of “life” through motion. In this course, when we say animation we mean creating the impression of movement by creating gaphics that change in each frame of a sequence. We create our animation by either manually creating images for each frame, using computer software to interpolate between keyed positions, or a combination of the two methods.

Animation Canon

There are some basic principles of animation that have become a standard. That is what we will cover today

Interpolated (tweened) vs Frame by Frame

Interpolation is the process by which the computer “blends” from one key position to another. This is what you did in the previous class. Animate calls it tweening.

Frame by frame animation is the old-school process of drawing every frame of the motion. This is the most time consuming but most flexible.

the ice cream cone is keyed across an arc

the traffic cone has been drawn each frame

Straight Ahead Method

In this method you simply start at frame one and draw frame after frame until you reach the end. This results in a very fluid freeform motion but it is much more unpredictable and inconsistent. This is useful for broad physcial interesting movement.

Pose to Pose Method

You create key poses like when producing interpolated animation but instead you draw everything. All major extreme poses are drawn and then the frames inbetween are drawn afterwards.

Magic Dot Assignment

Magic Dot:

The first assignment will be to animate a magic dot. You will animate frame by frame. What your dot does is up to you but the final video should be at least 5 seconds (60 frames at 12 fps). The purpose of this exercise is to apply basic animation principles such as spacing, timing, arcs, squash & stretch, etc. Your main focus should be to display these elements in your movement. Once completed, submit the exported video in h264 codec.

You will be graded on the following:
  • Lab Requirements
    • Techniques and processes covered in the instructional material is followed and implemented.
  • Creativity & Craftsmanship
    • Excellent design choices, novel & appealing, and solid clean caliber work.
Assignment Video Tutorials
You may watch the tutorial videos below to help you complete your assignment.
This application allows you to apply transparency to a window. This mean you can make a tutorial video see-through behind the document you are working on. It could be helpful while completing tutorials. You may download it here.

Assignment Video Tutorials

Wait! Before you go!

Did you remember to?

  • Familiarize yourself with Blackboard
  • Read through this webpage
  • Watch the videos
  • Submit Magic Dot Lab on Blackboard