Digital Imaging I
Class 07: Final ExamTopics
- Final Exam

License to Skill
Final Exam
Final Exam:
Design a poster for a part of Cecil College in Photoshop, (gym, café, library, etc.). Using the cameras provided, take photographs of a part of Cecil you would like to advertise, you might work together for this part. The poster must have at least 3 images and one must be a person with visible skin tone. Create a new 8×10 document in Photoshop and using the selection tools (magnetic lasso, quick mask, etc.) composite the images together. The image of the person must be color corrected for skin tone. Last you need to add text to your poster. Remember the text effects on the layers and to choose appropriate colors and fonts. Save your file as a psd so I can see all the layers. Please complete a project cover sheet.
Please make sure when you are creating a new document that the dimensions are set to US Paper 8.5×11 inches and resolution of 300. Also make sure to create a background copy and save your poster as a PSD or Photoshop file, if saved as jpeg you will lose points.
You may use notes, books and internet, just not me or fellow students.
- 8.5×11 poster
- At least 3 images one must be a person
- Advertise a part of Cecil
- Text must be included
- Make selections and composite images together
- Save as psd!!!!
Good luck and have fun!
You will submit this digitally on Blackboard. You must also include the project cover sheet. You can grab it here. Just answer the questions in the document.
You will be graded on the following:
- Project Cover Sheet
- Thoroughly completed and thoughtfully written with little or no grammatical errors.
- Use of Photoshop
- Very nice use of Photoshop tools to create a consistent composition.
- Beautifully and consistently completed throughout.
- Novel and interesting in comparison to peers.
- Project Cover Sheet
- You may download the project cover sheet here.
- Assignment Video Tutorials
- You may watch the tutorial videos below to help you complete your assignment.

Assignment Video Tutorials
Wait! Before you go!
Did you remember to?
- Read through this webpage
- Submit Week 07 Final Exam on Blackboard
- Final Exam Image/s and project cover sheet
- Submit any missing work. This is the last week to submit anything missing!