3D Rigging Reel

A variety of rigged characters and coded auto-riggers demonstrated

Shot List

Eleanor Chinchilla Rig
Rig for personal short film project
Manually rigged. Contains stretchy ribbons, ik/fk switches, dyanimc joint chains, precise channelbox controls, on-model controls, premade blendshape controls, freeform cluster based controls, etc.

Flying Dragon Rig
Rig created for Fisher Price
Contains imitation wind effects with controls and flexible wingspan with layered controls

Cone’s Auto Rigger
Demonstration of programmed autorigger on woman model (also mine)
Autorigger allows the user to create a wire structure for rigging element placement by selecting model components. Then the structure may be adjusted manually. Each wire may be autorigged on its own allowing for rigging of a variety of characters beyond a biped.

Spline Auto Rigger
Demonstration of programmed autorigger used for long joint chains
Autorigger allows for the rigging of long rope like joint chains. Contains fk and ik elements